BRACHIAL PLEXUS PALSY : at birth or by accident

A-BRAS, a non profit association, is helping people dealing with brachial plexus palsy, caused either at birth or caused by accident. Most of our site is in French. If French is not your favorite communication language, still you can communicate with us in English.
A lot of support groups exists in different countries and we remain informed of their activities.

The A-BRAS was created in France by families having one of their new born with an arm palsy at birth. We act mostly in France and thanks to Internet early in our history and the one of many support groups, we had contacts all over the world.

Some explanations about "A-BRAS" :
  • In French BRAS is the word for arm.
  • The A serves both as the "A" of Association and as the prefix "a" indicating the "lack" of a functionnal arm (like in the word asymmetry : no symmetry).

    You can access other sites dealing with Erb's palsy.
    Please see our selected links (most of them are in English) :
  • Other sites (worldwide) : Erb's palsy and births
    We are in contact with many other support groups in the world. If you have some difficulties to identify them contact us.

  • Back to A-BRAS's home page

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    Association A-BRAS
    1 impasse des Vachères
    F-42680 Saint Marcelin en Forez

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    Association pour la récupération des atteintes du plexus brachial et pour la prévention des risques associés lors des naissances
    Association loi 1901 (sans but lucratif) JO du 1/3/1995 n° 1968 et 1/8/98 n°1464
    Siège de l'association : A-BRAS 54-H Bd A. Briand F-77000 MELUN France
    Compte Chèque Postal "La Poste" La Source 37.072.20 C
    Page lue :
    Last modified: Nov 12, 2011
    Author: A-BRAS
    © A-BRAS - 1998-2011 ; Info Copyright